Going Around The Corner - Student Workbook

Going Around The Corner
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Going Around The Corner
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Going Around The Corner - Student Workbook


Do you believe that your own school, university, team, office or cafe is a mission-field assignment by a sovereign God?

As believers, we all have a story to share.  God wants to use you to tell others about Jesus.  But we must have a plan and a strategy or the opportunities God puts in front of us will pass us by.  

Going Around The Corner presents a biblical foundation for developing an awareness that God is at work around you and He wants to use you to reach your neighbors, co-workers and friends with the gospel.  You will begin to see your school, university or workplace as the mission field where God has sovereignly placed you.  You will learn to engage neighbors, friends, and co-workers through simple, practical steps laid out for us in Scripture.

Are you ready to gain insight and confidence in evangelizing by sharing your own personal story through the gospel?  This workbook is the perfect next step for you.

View a sample chapter here.

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Designed for personal individual study, small groups, Sunday School classes, or mission teams, the Going Around The Corner workbook can help pastors and church leaders train students by teaching a simple, practical, biblical strategy of disciple making.  Building on a solid biblical foundation, the goal is to encourage, motivate and equip young believers to live “on mission” right where they are.

A five-session workbook designed for personal and group use for high school and college-age students.  85 pages, soft cover.

DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE on Kindle.  Order it here.



Going Around The Corner Student Edition has been so transforming. As a director for FCA and a Sunday School teacher for high school and college, the recognition of evangelism is so critical to young people today. This book brings out that the Lord has placed them with a certain group for His purpose. I have been going through this book with many student leaders and noticing the impact they are having. I would highly recommend this to anyone, not just students and leaders, because it’s a command for all of us!” — Nate Bumgarner, Area FCA Director